Are you suffering from the mobile phone account balance or your mobile phone account balance get reduced when you checkeing phone account balance? If yes, then don't worry its not only your problem. When my balance get reduced, I thought I am the only person whose balance get reduced and I thought it was my mistake and mistakly I subscribe any message or call from the service provider. I can't blame anyone.
But it was my third (3rd) time when my account deducted for such activities. But I saw the other user who uses different service provide who suffer the same and he/she is known that he/she never subscribed for any such services provided by the mobile service provider, and he/she complained the same for the Customer Care but they cannot help. Its really bad.
I have a
AirTel connection in my mobile. I get a call which was done by the service provider I cut it after a while by pressing which is normally I do (red button in the mobile). After a short period I received a message that I have been charged Rupees 15/- for using the service Talk2Me. But I was confirm that I never choose such type of service, because it was about the call came before this message.
The message was "Thank you for registering. You have been charged Rs15 for Akshay Kumar event. Call 50505 at Rs2/min on 22nd Dec 4PM onwards"
I checked my balance really they deducted Rs. 15/- from my phone balance. I dialed the Customer Care Number of AirTel service and enquire about this. And after some argument with the call centre agent he told me that sorry for deducting amount because of system problem. I have been previously charged 2 times and never complain about it. So that mean they will deduct the amount from our balance without any reason and assigning any services at any time and tell us it was system problem. What a business policy.
But after some arguing with the agent of call centre, he confirm me that he will add the amount in my balance and after some time he did what he said. But in mean time to contacting the call centre agent, my phone bill to contacting him is charged also. It was my loss not only money but also the time.
So what's your thought about this?? Is your mobile phone balance reduced?? Is there any solution to prevent it?